- Noise Injection for Generalized Blind Denoising (pending, 18/589,018)
- Multimodal Guidance Distillation for Efficient Diffusion Models (pending, 18/770,606)
- Guidance Oscillation for Multi-Modal Diffusion Models (to be filed)
- Outstanding Paper Award in CVPR 2021 AML-CV Workshop
- 9th Place Award (out of 1681 teams) CVPR 2021 Security AI Challenger Phase VI (Alibaba Security, Tsinghua University, UIUC)
- URP (Undergraduate Research Program) Best Poster Award, 2018
- Excellence Prize in the E*5 Competition by Startup KAIST (7,000$ Cash Award), 2018
- KAIST Undergraduate Scholarship: Full Tuition Fee and Monthly Stipend, 2014-2019